Helpful Information About Truck Driving Careers

Check out this selection of articles below to learn more about career choices and how to prepare for in-demand job opportunities.

  • Image of Jill Balleh being interviewed by Fox News. A banner at the bottom with text that reads "Drive on Trucker shortage should drive up consumer costs"

    CDS Fox New's Special with Bret Baier

    The trucking industry is essential for the American economy. Nearly every part of the US economy relies on truckers in one way or another, with more than 70% of all freight in the United States moved by trucks. But reports of a driver shortage floods the news outlets and trucking communities. This is leaving many […]

  • image of student using trucking simulator, instructor watching

    Simulation Rig Making a Difference for Students

    Driving a big rig truck can be intimidating, especially the first time you get behind the wheel. Learning how and when to shift gears, sightlines, and even the feel of being in the driver’s seat can take time before you feel comfortable. With the truck driving simulator at CDS Tractor Trailer Training, students can raise […]

  • Image of woman standing in front of white semi-truck

    3 Reasons Why Trucking is for Women too

    Updated May 2022 Over the next ten years, the trucking industry will create one million new jobs. That’s 100,000 jobs per year! But even now, there is a huge shortage of professional truck drivers. While much of this shortage has to do with an aging workforce and a lack of young people pursuing the profession, […]

  • image of white semi truck driving away from sunset

    Why You Should Have a CDL in your Pocket

    Updated September 2021 If you have been considering a change of careers, then you may want to consider the benefits of earning a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) could provide you. While the country depends on those with commercial driver’s licenses to provide goods and services, there is currently a shortage of qualified drivers to fill […]

  • image of hands using calculator

    Paying for CDL Training without Breaking the Bank

    The thought of paying for a school of any kind can be daunting, and CDL training is no exception. One of the biggest concerns potential students have at CDS is how they will be able to pay for training. While the price tag at first may seem a bit much, we want you to know […]